Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It ain't trickin' if you got it.

Location: Turman Apts.
Time: 2:19 AM
Date: Feb. 8th

Omg. So much stuff has happened since I last posted. First, I did my SA interviews and I think they went really great. I was really nervous before I got there and then after starting the interview, I loosened up and felt comfortable. I think I'm a good interviewer because I like talking in general and I can BS and make myself sound professional and charismatic. I really hope I get to be SA, but I'm pretty sure Amaan and I will since.... we're us.

On Friday, I went to classes like usual and went to see First Friday where all the acapella groups performed and I enjoyed that. Afterwards, I went to my first Fashion Forward meeting! I was excited and even more so when I found out that I'm now on the exec board. Bad bitch status, y'all. I want to think of an event/fundraiser that we can do and lead it. I'm pretty stoked for that, but of course, I gotta stay on top of my academics first. I went to the Arts Lock-In and it was really weird........ so I left, but it was nice to see a different part of Emory. I pretty much chilled in Dobbs the rest of the night.

On Saturday, I went to my first Emory concert and it was pretty sweet. It would be even better if I wasn't furiously scribbling notes for class and if I didn't have to write a paper about it. I went to Yogli Mogli afterwards with my T5 boos and they convinced me to go out which ended up being FOWUEAFPOEUF FUN. I haven't gone out since winter break and haven't been to frat row for a while. T5 is probably the best group of people to go out with and we had so much fun. Beta ended up being a blast and I can't wait for them to have another event. I had 3 beers and this other drink, so I got a little tipsy, which means I was probably super annoying and funny.

On Sunday, I went to another concert and that was fun. I got really jealous about not being able to learn the violin though because that's a pretty bad ass instrument. My parents came up here to give me tax information to do financial aid and I went to dinner and shopping with them. We ended up watching the Madonna halftime show for the Super Bowl at this supermarket. That show was amazingggg. Forget the haters, they don't know what they're talking about. Madonna is a fierce old bad bitch. I got back and watched the ending at Turman and boooo Patriots lost. (Totes rooting for them because of Kat).

Anyways, the weekend seemed super long, but I definitely had fun and that's intresting because none of it was planned and it just kind of spontaneously happened and I hung out with a lot of people I don't normally hang out with. It's cool to branch out!

This week is going to be kind of stressful, but not as much as next week. I have a bio and sociology test next week, which kind of sucks. That means I have to do a shit load of studying. I kind of want to go out again this weekend, but it's in the air. If I do enough studying and finish everything, then I might go out on Saturday. I totally need to go out of Emory at some point, but I don't think this weekend will work.

Did I mention how I am terrified of having a test in music? That class is so fucking hard and I feel like I'm going to fail the test. Shaking and crying right now. Mythology right now is just eh. I haven't done most of the reading because I just don't feel like it, but I'll get to it eventually and I feel like I'll be fine. Who told dance to get hard? They got us doing jumps and kicks and shit in there. Pray for me, y'all. I still haven't done my laundry and it's been over two weeks... Starting to run out of clothes to wear.

Crap. It's 2:32 now, which means I'll probably be tired as fuck tomorrow, but seeing as how I haven't been to sociology the past two Wednesday, I should probably go... especially since I have to turn in a paper. Oh yeah, it was Leah's birthday yesterday. MY FAVORITE BABY GIRLLLLLL. I totes love her 4eva.

p.s: slowly becoming tumblr famous.
