Friday, June 10, 2011

Bangkok has him now.

Location: Pattaya, Thailand
Time: 7:24 AM
Date: June 11th

Just a preface, I haven't been able to update in a while, and I only have a few minutes before I have to leave again, so I'll try to make it as short and sweet as possible.

The last two days in Vietnam: Me laying around in bed wataching movies (I Am Sam, Everybody's Fine, Julie and Julia, Mulan II)

The first day of the tour: Flew to Thailand on Thai Air. (AKA: The most colorfully bright plane out of the ones I've rode so far.) The flight was only an hour, so it wasn't anything tedious. Thailand > Vietnam, in terms of the cities. Thailand actually has nice buildings and isn't quite so slum-mish. Of course, this is only a tunnel vision of the whole country and since I'm on a tour, of course they're not going to show me the negative sides to anything. There are actually lots of cars here, in contrast to Vietnam where motorcycles are EVERYWHERE. It seemed as if this whole trip so far has been a fun game of expectations and reality. Let me explain that the whole tour is in Vietnamese, of course since the whole group is from Vietnam. I can speak Vietnamese and understand Vietnamese, but I am not fluent. That's not to say I can't hold a conversation, I'm just not great at it. So, half of the time, I have no idea what the tour guide is saying or where we're going. I just use context clues to fill it in or wait to be surprised. (Why don't I ask my family? Oh, I do. They just don't like telling me stuff.) So, day 1: expectations vs. reality

1. Grand Palace
Expectations: We're going to some castle looking building where the King lives.
Reality: We ended up going to this HUGE area where one section consists of huge historical royal buildings that we're all ornate and gold. The rest of the area consists of more historical buildings, government buildings and the whole site is used on occasions for the King (Which was the instance when we went and there were military people everywhere.)

2. Hotel
Expectations: Raggidy hotel with Thai people.
Reality: AMAZING hotel with all kinds of people, mostly Arabic and Indian.

3. Siam Naramit Show
Expectations: Talent show-esque where groups dance/sing/act.
Reality: WORDS CAN NOT DESCRIBE WHAT I SAW. It was amazing, beautiful, extravagant, wonderful, etc... It literally was the best thing I've ever seen on stage and I will probably ever see. It told the story of Thailand in little segments of different regions, talked about hell and heaven, and talked about the festivals they had. The costumes were amazing, stage changes were amazing, dancing and acting was amazing. Not only that, but they had live elephants, goats, roosters, half of the stage turned into a real pool. rain came from the roof, performers were literally EVERYWHERE in the room to make it as entertaining as possible, there were at least 200 performers. My mind = blown.

I have to go to the beach now, but I'll update you guys with the rest when I come back!


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