Monday, June 6, 2011

Rain is the devil.

Location: Outside Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Time: 8:24 AM
Date: June 7th

Fact: No matter where I am, I will ALWAYS hate rain. Always.

Yesterday was super fun! I was told that we were going to a park, so here I am, expecting to go to a quaint little park where people are having picnics, playing with their dogs, jogging around, etc... But no, no one bothered to tell me that we were going to a theme park. The theme park was pretty cool. It had crazy, elaborate designs and decorations. We walked around the park a bit and it was WAY bigger than I imagined.

Eventually, we reached this one section of the park where they were selling all kinds of different fruits. They also had these huge sculptures made completely out of fruits. While we were walking around this area, I heard some drums beating in the distance. I followed the beat and that's when I saw the most mind-effing thing ever: a parade. In the middle of the theme park. And it wasn't just a simple little parade. It was a giant one with a marching band, five different groups of dancers and like 20 floats of giant fruits. I was completely bamboozled, but it all made sense when I found out it was the Fruit Festival.

After that, everyone (minus my mom because she had to film every fruit and sculpture in the world) went into this one underground ride thing. We had no idea what it was, but it seemed cool. Surprise! It was a haunted house. I still have no idea wtf it was supposed to be, but there were cavemans and egyptian stuff...

Then we had lunch and my stomach was totally GEWAUPOFDUAF at this point and I wanted to go home. It got better after a bit and we decided to go into another hauntd house. Once again, I have no idea what it was supposed to be, but the waiting line was scarier than the actual ride... The next thing we went to was a dolphin/seal show. I thought it would be ghetto, but it was actually enjoyable. When we got out, I saw that it had been raining. Next, we trekked onto another ride. Once again, no idea what it was, but my mom told me it was a representation of hell. Uhm.... yeah. Vietnam has pretty interesting attractions.

This was the point where God decided to flood the earth. Rain was everywhere. I wanted to go home, but my mom was all NO. So, I was like FML. We walked in the rain to the temple and stayed in there for a while. When it got better, we decided to book it out of there and get a cab home before it started raining again.

When I got home, I slept forever.


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