Sunday, June 5, 2011

Eat. Pray. Sleep?

Location: Outside Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (My Uncle's house)
Time: 6:04 AM
Date: June 6th

These past few days have been too much for my poor little soul, but I'll start from the beginning.

Day 1:
Basically after I arrived at the house, I knocked out like a beast. I pretty much slept that whole afternoon/evening. I blame jet lag. Of course, I ended up waking at 3 in the morning with my mom. We ended up watching tv, unpacking, being creeps around the house. Just the norm.

Day 2:
This was the first full day where I was in Vietnam. I just relaxed all day. Took a shower, which was an experience because the shower was just a fountain in the middle of the room. So basically, whenever the whole bathroom was my shower. I didn't know how to turn the hot water on, so I was stuck with a cold one. How I survived? I don't know. During the evening, we decided to go around the city. I thought we would be taking a cab. WRONG. We had to trek it around. Now, let me tell you something about Vietnam traffic. Whenever you decide to be in the streets, you play a game of russian roulette. There are seriously no rules at all. No stop signs. No speed limits. Traffic lights are barely followed. Cars and motorcycles are EVERYWHERE. Crossing the street is a life-changing experience. Basically, you just walk across and pray that you don't get hit. The funnny thing about Vietnam is that you will be surrounded by all these little raggidy street stores and then you'll turn a corner and be facing all these fancy upscale stores with thousands of floors. We went to a mall and it was basically a giant room with each shop having a little section where they put their clothes up. There were all familiar stores and brands like Papaya, Etam, Ecote and Pierre Cardin. The top floor of the mall section was a giant arcade area with a bowling section and food places like KFC and Pizza Hut. After we were done with the mall, we walked around the city some more and ended by eating ice cream before it started raining like crazy. When I got home, I knocked out.

Day 3:
Woke up super early to go to temple. We went with a couple of people. The first temple was inside of this neighborhood. All of them were super fancy and ornate. We prayed and ate lunch and I took a bunch of pictures. The second temple was kind of in the woods. It wasn't as nice as the first one because it looked run down, but the statues and stuff were still gorgeous. The last temple was in a public area and a bunch of people were there. After that, we were all tired as mess and fell asleep on the way home. I slept at home and woke up for dinner before I went back to sleep.

Day 4:
Woke up to go to another temple. I was totally all prayed out at this point. The temple was in this neighborhood and it was a giant building. I met a BUNCH of my family members and it was pretty exciting. We talked a bit and then went to pray and eat lunch. Then all of a sudden, it hit me... I had to poop. So, I went to the bathroom and saw that it was just a little toilet IN the ground with no flushing. I will spare the details, but it was NOT pretty. We were done and called for a taxi, but none of them came. We realized that there were a bunch of taxis across the highway, so we trekked all the way there on a bridge. When we finally got there, we saw at least 3 taxis go into the neighborhood that we were just at and that on this side of the highway, there were no taxis at all. So, we ended up trekking ALL the way back across the highway and getting a ride home. I slept some more. Ate dinner. Went back to sleep.


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